News & events

Doctoral defense Anne Theunissen

On the 16th of December, Anne Theunissen defended her PhD with the title: "Beyond the narrow focus of diversity management: The role of external parties in the management of workers with a migration background in low skilled jobs".

In her PhD, she examined the power relations between various actors involved in the management of workers with a migration background in low-skilled contexts. She conducted case studies in the meat industry and the domestic care sector, based on observations, document analysis, and nearly 100 interviews. In her work she uses critical theories and methods, such as Critical Discourse Analysis and Labour Process Theory.

Congratulations, Anne!

Meet the professor: Eline Jammaers


After 2 years in the private sector, she started her academic career with a PhD at SEIN(UHasselt) in Business administration. Eline continued to work as a post-doc for 2 years. She then worked for 3 years as an assistant professor HRM at UCLouvain. Now she has (re)joined our UHasselt team!


Eline's research is about diversity and inclusion within paid employment and in entrepreneurship (the classic 'isms' such as sexism, ageism, ableism and so on). She also has an interest in human-animal interaction in business contexts (anthropocentrism)

She hopes to establish collaborations within and outside the faculty as her work is multidisciplinary.


She will be teaching some method courses as well as HRM oriented courses in TEW, HW, HI and Management.

Fun Fact

Hiking is one of her passions. She tries to tick off as many mythical hikes as possible from the Lonely Planet book. She just did the PR1 in Madeira, a walk between the clouds. A must see for all fellow hikers!